How to connect Xbox controller to Chromebook

You’ve come to the correct place if you’re wondering how to connect the Xbox controller to your Chromebook. Many individuals use Chromebooks, a very well-liked laptop, to play games and view movies.

I’ll outline every method for connecting your controller to your Chromebook in this post. You will be able to connect your controller to your Chromebook after reading this tutorial. 

Connecting An Xbox Controller To A Chromebook

You may use a Gamepad Tester Tool if your Xbox controller isn’t connecting correctly. This will enable you to discover any possible hardware issues and diagnose the situation, perhaps resolving the connection issue.

Your controller may be connected to a Chromebook in a variety of ways. Apply each of the procedures described below on your own, then connect your controller.

Utilize a USB cable.

Using a USB cord is one method to connect your Xbox controller to your Chromebook.

Your Xbox controller should be connected to your Chromebook’s USB port via a USB cable.

Hold off until the Chromebook detects the controller. If your controller is compatible, it ought to be recognized and installed immediately.

You should be able to use your controller to play games on your Chromebook after it has been recognized.

Utilise Bluetooth.

Bluetooth is one method of connecting your Xbox controller to your Chromebook.

Press and hold the Xbox button on your Xbox controller until it begins to flash.

To access Settings on your Chromebook, click the gear icon after clicking the clock in the bottom right corner of the screen.

Click on “Connected devices” in the left-hand menu from the settings.

In order to get your Chromebook to recognize the Xbox controller, click “Add a device” and then wait.

Click on the controller to link it with your Chromebook when it shows in the list of compatible devices.

You should be able to use your controller to play games on your Chromebook after it has been linked.

Third, a wireless adapter

Using a wireless adapter is another way to connect your Xbox controller to your Chromebook.

Connect the wireless adapter to your Chromebook’s available USB port.

Press and hold the Xbox button on your Xbox controller until it begins to flash.

Wait for the wireless adapter and controller to be detected by your Chromebook. Your controller ought to immediately connect to the adapter as soon as they are both recognized.

You should be able to use your controller to play games on your Chromebook after it is connected.

Chromebook and Xbox controller are not communicating. Why? 

There are a few possibilities as to why your Chromebook and Xbox controller aren’t communicating.

Limited Bluetooth compatibility 

Xbox controllers that lack built-in Bluetooth may need an additional wireless adapter in order to connect wirelessly to devices.

A depleted battery

A depleted battery

A low battery may also be the cause of your Xbox controller not connecting to your Chromebook.

It would help if you charged the controller’s battery since you will need enough power to establish a connection with your device. The relationship may suffer from a low battery.

 Out-of-date software

For Xbox controllers to work correctly with various devices, including Chromebooks, they may need firmware upgrades.

If the firmware on your Xbox controller is out-of-date, it could not work with your Chromebook and interfere with your connection.

Internal Error

A hardware issue or a damaged component within the controller may be to blame for this, which would prohibit it from connecting to your Chromebook or any other device.

Chromebook Problem

It can be a consequence of a hardware or software problem preventing the Chromebook from accepting or communicating with your Xbox controller.

Is It Possible To Connect Multiple Xbox Controllers To My Chromebook?

The majority of Chromebooks can handle up to four Bluetooth devices at once, so you may connect up to four Xbox controllers to them.

Observe these instructions to connect more than one Xbox controller to your Chromebook:

By clicking and holding the Xbox button on the controller until it turns on, you may turn on your Xbox controller.

On your Chromebook, pick the Settings icon by clicking on the status area in the bottom right corner of the display.

Click “Bluetooth” in the “Connected Devices” section of the Settings menu.

If Bluetooth isn’t already turned on, turn it on before clicking the “Pair new device” option.

Press and hold the pairing button on the back of your Xbox controller until you see the Xbox logo flashing.

The Xbox controller should now be recognized by your Chromebook and shown in the list of compatible devices. To connect your Chromebook and Xbox controller, click the Xbox controller.

If you wish to connect more than one Xbox controller to your Chromebook, follow these instructions again.


Will every game on my Chromebook work with my Xbox controller?

Yes, however, it also depends on the particular Chromebook you have and the game you are playing.

You can utilize your Xbox controller to play Android-compatible games if your Chromebook supports Android applications and has Bluetooth functionality.

Do I have to connect my Xbox controller every time I want to use my Chromebook?

No, you don’t have to plug your Xbox controller into your Chromebook every time you use it.

Your Chromebook will remember and instantly connect to your Xbox controller if you click them both at once. 

Does Every Game Support Xbox Controller Use On A Chromebook?

All Chromebook games do not support the usage of an Xbox controller. Whether a game can accept input via a gamepad depends on the game. However, a lot of well-known titles on the Google Play Store for Chromebooks accept the use of gaming controllers, such as Xbox controllers.

Can I Use My Chromebook With An Xbox Controller That Is Wired?

On your Chromebook, a wired Xbox controller is compatible. This is how you do it:

The USB cable should be connected to the Xbox controller, and the USB port on your Chromebook should receive the other end.

The required drivers ought to begin installing on your Chromebook immediately when it detects the controller.

You should be able to use the controller with games that accept gamepad input after the drivers have been loaded.

Make sure your Chromebook’s software is up to date, restart it, and try reconnecting the controller if the controller isn’t working.


There are far too many options for connecting your controller to your Chromebook.

Just make sure your Chromebook can connect to your Xbox controller and that it has enough battery life.

If you have an Xbox controller attached, playing your favorite games on your Chromebook will be easier and more accurate.

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